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"Read,think,then only judge "

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bits of my mind

Assalamualaikum and Happy Ramadhan !

Unknowingly we are reaching the 28th day of Ramadan for this year.it feels fast.Like super fast .Dunia akhir zaman kan hmm . It marks a month and lebih sikit since semester break starts and goshhh I dont want it to move faster ~ Prepare mental fizikal untuk balik Sarawak nanti duluu . dengan naik kapal terbangnya lagi.Yes kapal terbang .that is what "bits of my mind " is all about.Satu dunia pun dah digemparkan dengan berita MH17 (milik MAS) ditembak jatuh minggu lepas and as much  it shocks the worldwide and the investigation to find the culprits is still going on , it makes a lot of people to feel a little bit sceptical about going on the plane.And yess that includes me .Since the only transportation to and from Sarawak and Selangor is only aeroplane , I cant help but affected by all these eerie news of airplane tragedies these days.

To be honest ,yes i do feel a bit scared about going back to Sarawak by plane on coming September ,but I always believe one thing , "Kun Fayakun " .kalau Allah dahh cakap itu,itulah jadi despite whatever precautions or actions you take . Accidents can happened everywhere .it depends on takdir and rezeki.Moga perjalanan kita ke destinasi apatah lagi yang pergi belajar tu dilindungi dan diberkati .Amin

Another thing that has been distracting me these days,and probably the attentive people of the world  is the news of Gaza-Israel. Honestly,I dont even wanna talk about this. Dont get me wrong ,Its not that I dont care ,but to see all those innocent children and women were killed mercilessly ,lives are made valueless ,it makes me feel so hopeless that there is nothing I can do .but they have my prayers always.Insya Allah .That's the best form of sedekah i can give to them and may it strenghten their faiths and never give up hoping and praying to The Almighty.Allah dah janjikan tempat terbaik untuk orang teraniaya.Laknatlah Israel ,tunggulah kau Hari Pembalasan .The worst thing is the Islamic leaders around them cover their eyes and sit doing nothing seeing those people got killed everyday !

This issue of Gaza-Israel is supposedly no longer an issue of Muslims fighting for freedom ,but it is the issue of fighting for humanity . World is sick nowadays .May we never will be strayed away from the right path .Amin.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Towards the end of Semester 2

assalamualaikum .
What a day to write again.Its been like what how many months since I last wrote here . I've been abandoning this crib of mine because of time restraint and poor internet connection And basically I dont have the effort to speak about how hectic semester 2 has been and still is since this is the final exam week for semester 2 .

I think everything is going on as planned ,well at least better than what I've imagined.I have accomplished all those fearful assignments that involved a lot of outings this time around .From going to a mental hospital(i would love to blog about that later on),a political event by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ,insight outing for Economy assignment and not to mentioned preparing/conducting things for the program under one course of Ko q. Its if i were to say in the bright side, it gave me experiences of a lifetime .Well it occupied me in case I have to be involved in any kind of programmes after this .

And my carry marks satisfied me so far alhamdulillah . I hope i can upgrade my pointer this sem because im going to be in Second year the coming Semester.Life is moving fast eh ? It really does  .It was yesterday I think i was crying and questioning myself for taking this course as my degree base but im thankful because life has been okay here .Well it is not that bad . Till the coming posts and may Allah ease me and my mates for the final ^^

Thursday, February 13, 2014



Tomorrow marks the third last day (as if ada je exist perkataan tu )  of my semster break .cuti dah habis dahh Isnin nak  acacah fly over the sea balik dahh . Lepastu akan bermulalah Semester 2 daripada  6 semester (doa jangan extend) aku sebagai student Fakulti Sains Sosial,Kajian Antarabangsa UNIMAS . Malam tadi pukul 230 pagi perang virtual dengan berapa ribu tah student UNIMAS untuk register course.satu 'event' terbesar mana2 universiti dimana maki hamun mungkin akan berlaku disebabkan sesuatu subject tu dah full dah dan kene ngadap laptop bukak page register course ala2 orang tunggu loteri punya result dengan harapan ada yang sudi drop subject sebab clash malas dan sebagainya .begitulah ceritanya.Meh sini kita intai apa semester 2 ada untuk aku .Taken from UNIMAS website

  • SSF 1013 Introduction to Social Science
This course contextualises the historical development of the social sciences within world civilization. It introduces students to important social science terminology in preparation for the understanding of other courses in the faculty. It also gives students an opportunity to conceptualise and explain social reality through social science perspectives.

  • SSF 1033 Introduction to Malaysian Social History
This is not a conventional history course which deals with events in a chronological order.  Instead, it discusses history thematically and exposes the student to the processes of social and historical transformation.

  •  SSF 1053 Introduction to Politicial Science
This course highlights in detail the range of academic topics in political science to include theoretical approaches, basic concepts and definition of politics in the context of formal government institutions, power relations, value distribution systems and public policies. In addition, concepts about power, states, sovereignty and political culture will be covered. This course also discusses basic political concepts which later pave the way for constructing debates and discussions of current political affairs. There are four components in this introductory course namely; the field of political science, political institutions, political processes and politics and society. With emphasis on these four areas, it is hoped that students will be able to critically analyse and understand the subject of political science.

  • SSF 1074 Modern Economics
This course is divided into three major sections, namely, Section I: Understanding basic economic concepts, principles and theories; Section II: Understanding national and global Economy, and Section III: Analysing social issues from the economic perspective. Section I exposes students to topics related to the definition of economics, some basic economic concepts, principles and theories and their relationship to us.  Theories of demand and supply, the application of elasticity concept, as well as different market structures will be discussed in Section I. Section II helps students to relate national economy to their daily lives. Topics covered in this section include measuring a nation?s income, measuring the cost of living, money and banking system, unemployment, foreign exchange, international trade and its importance among nations. Some basic concepts of open-economy macroeconomics as well as economic growth and public policy will also be discussed in Section II. The final section provides students with the opportunity to apply their understanding and knowledge concerning basic economic principles on contemporary social issues that are related to their respective field of study.

 dan disertai dengan beberapa course elektif dan generik .As if now ,aku masih belum dapat tempat untuk Bahasa Jepun Level 1 moga ada yang drop ;a .kalau korang teleng baca course outline,jangan expect aku tengah tersenyum bahagia 

Sekian wassalam buhbye

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

NA NA NA Ganu kitaaa

assalamualaikum .. Hi !!

Ya Allah lamanyaa blog kesayangan ni ditinggalkan .Kesibukan semester 1 dan kesetonokan cuti semster 1 buat aku rasa cam terlupa lagipun takde ide nak menggarap nukilan ececeh .Jadi Semster 1 berakhir dengan jayanya (laa sangat) duduk sana tak update Internet lam alip lem duk rumah internet laju duk buat benda lain jadi iyalahh . Nak cerita dikit2 pasal kehidupan semester 1 di UniversitI Malaysia Sarawak ni takde la thrilling mane.masih tak explore lagi segala natural beauties dekat sana sebab masih lagi dalam mood terkesima sebab tercampak di bumi Kenyalang tu .Alhamdulillah however , i am trying to find this closure untuk meyakinkan diri yang mungkin belajar dekat sana ada hikmah besar yang tersembunyi yang Allah nak tunjukkan .Mohon bersabar diri .Result ? Seperti yang ku jangka sebab mula2 belajar memang passion ZERO takde langsungg belajar macam robot .Masuk dalam otak pelajarannya tapi setakat tu lah minat takdok.Nak hujung2 tu barulah terasa "oh seronok jugak" tapi result itu akan ku jadikan pemangkin untuk lebih berusaha di semester 2 dan seterusnya (ayat skema mintak pelempang) . Oh ,gambar2 UNIMAS nanti2 la ehh aku "semangat' sangat belajar sampai sikda masa tok tangkap gamba haa gitckew kau klaka sarawak

Dah2 jangan merapu jom berbalik ke tajuk kita pada hari nii .Nyanyii sikettt ~~

So minggu lepas ,me and ze familia pergi ke Terengganu for a short 4 days 3 nights family vacation .Seronok sangat makan macam tak ingat badan tu boleh naik macam pelampong dan tengok laut angin laut seronok sangatt ~~~

Lepastu pergi Taman Tamadun Islam naik Cruise dia bawak pusing satu Sungai Kuala Terengganu dalam 40 minit sambil bebel la pasal Pulau Duyung la Pulau Hajah Siah laa .Pulau Mayat laa..creepy ke tidak creepy / Pulau Hajah Siah ni kata si speaker yg hensem pakai uniform marine muka ala2 Izzue Islam + Shaheizy Sam  tu , milik Hajah Siah ,pulau ni dulu takde orang yang huni sebabnye bnyakk makhluk halus tapi Hajah Siah ini ada ilmu jadi dia pun duduk kat pulau tu dengan keluarga dia .sekarang anak dia umur 70 tahun yg jaga pulau tu sorang2 .okay sereemmm ..So sedikit sebanyak gambar2 vain sepanjang pamili vacation titew

 Melayan perasaan konon..
 Sweet ke tidakk Mr and Mrs of the family ni ?
 Plan nk buat dengan suami ,tapi masih tiada lagi ,rembatla adik buat scene ombak rindu
 25 hengget dia caj untuk gambaq -..-
 vain satu kalii
 vain duaa kalii
dia jugok vain comell

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cuti sudah habis bro !

Assalamualaikum happy last days of Syawal :)

Title speaks louder than word . Setelah 5 bulan bergolek2 dalam rumah ,akhirnya tibalah masanya untuk aku dan rakan2 seperjuangan untuk bergerak menyambung fasa 2 dalam sesi pembelajaran selepas sekolah menengah.For matriculation/foundation students my batch ,we will be starting our degree year starting this 1st September 2013 . So tomorrow im gonna fly al the way to Sarawak .flight okay tak dapat oversea over the sea pun boleyyy ..I can never expect anything because this time it is gonna be all different .away like very away from the family.starting from zero again like what i've done during my asasi year .Journey to search for new experiences ,cultures,friends and of course good result to guarantee my life afterwards Insya Allah :)

So far the preparation of the things to be brought is 85% (?) .Mentally ? Dah kenapa aku tak rasa apepun ..rasa macam ohh esok nak pi Sarawak okayy soo ? hahah taktau laa nanti sampai sana melalaks mcam hape .So should not feel that bad kan ? Saya okay saya dah besar

So rather than posting photos yang diaaambil dari Internet .i will post a real time punya surrounding of UNIMAS when I reach there okay ? Pray that the internet connection is stable there .So long people ! Best of luck to my asasi tesl batchmates that are going to further their studies and also my friends of same situations  . May Allah always be with you . Towards the better person we go !  Salam xoxo (puihh sila muntah)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Its been tooo longggggg


Its been too long since I updated this crib of mine ,Well since Asasi ended, tak buat apa pun kat rumah jadik supir speenuh masa duk ngambik adik2 balik sekolah bangun awal pun baring bawah kipas ,kita tengok kipas,kipas tengok kita ,last2 kipas menang sebab aku tertido balik. So yang paling top update pun adalah result final yang di tahap tidak bahaya sangat tapi bahaya la jugak .lepas pagar je ,kalau pakai seluar labuh sikit yg mcam rapper tu ,mau tersangkut dekat pagar .Dah mengarut

Paling latest update adalah result UPU yang diumumkan minggu lepas .JENG JENG .result yang start diumumkan pada pukul 12 tengah hari ,buat budak2 asasi kecut perut tahan nak terkucil apa bende semua .. Oleh kerana aku ni dak2 English (sound sangat kerek ) Jadik aku doa banyak2 moga2 sangkut la course English related . tapi Allah sent me a much more shocking news yang aku tak pernah terbayang seumuq hidop ,yes brace myself , BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ( INTERNATIONAL STUDIES) HAMIKS kau ! tak tercapai di akalku !  lagi tak tergapai bintang di langit adalah kos tersebut berada nun jauh di bumi Kenyalang ,UNIMAS . terduduk aku mencari relevan semua ni .menangis agak berhari mintak petunjuk sampai satu masa aku redha dan okay bring it on ! Benda yang kita rasa paling baik bagi kita mungkin sebenarnya paling tak bagus ye dak ? Allah punya perancangan tak pernah salah .Dia tahu apa yang terbaik walaupun  sekarang masih lagi berdoa ,dipermudahkn apa saja yang terbaik buat diri ini ,cheh tapi itulah kehidupan ye anak2 jadik bersyukurlah dengan apa sahaja yang Dia bagi .Yang tak dapat usaha lagi ,mungkin bukan dengan study sampai pecah otak tapi hubungan dia kat Atas tu .Dia rindu doa kita . mungkin kena baiki lagi hubungan dengan Dia .INI PEERINGATAN BUAT DIRI SENDIRI JUGAK ! STRICTLY SELF.Doa tu senjata orang Muslim jadi teruskan berdoa okay

Ada buat jugak sedikit research pasal course aku dan Unimas which i will update in the next post Insya Allah bergantung kepada kerajinan keruncingan jari .. :D

Akhir kata,tahniah kepada yang dapat ,pilihan kita atau tak,Allah Maha Mengetahui ,yang takde rezeki ,doa lagi Allah suka denga doa kita :D


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A year to be remembered


Officially on 9th April 2013 ,Foundation in Tesl 2012/13 ended . Nearly a year living an amazing life in university ,teaching me what is needed in the programme i had taken ,teaching me how to find friends for real and most importantly,open up my mind to a brand new outside world. Kalau nak recap memories memang sampai ke sudah takkan habis .Tapi cukupla nak cakap yang the memories are too precious .I had been surrounded by precious people who accepting me for myself ,who always there for me .

Apa yang aku harap semoga mreka2 akan achieve apa yang diorang nak in the future and i am looking forward to the time that we will meet again .All of us have to meet again !  Its been a great year .Celik pejam rasa macam baru je aku menempuh MDS yang sangat helly,dan alih2 here I am updating my blog about the end of Asasi .

Nak dijadikan cerita,last paper kitorang habis on April 7 and Dinner was held a day after that which was April 9 .and malam tu lepas habis dinner ,berlinangan la air mata semua orang ,realising that night was the last night they met each other.

#throwback Dinner Night

#throwback classof C ,semester 1 (1C)

#throwback class of C ,semster 2 (2C)

They are amazing ,each one of them .

Then malam lepas dinner ,Doos headed to Kuantan,Roro's house for a short trip . We left at malam Rabu tiket 1130 pm and balik sini Jumaat tiket 1230 am . The trip was great .Mak Roro yang super awesome ,and the food was awesome and what makes it more awesome,it is because there were us ,the Doos,only us :) Wel yehh made the separation harder . hm

 At Teluk Cempedak

 Webkem di rumah Roro
At Kemaman beli keropok parang

Allah,memories dengan Doos ni lagi laa. we were together like 24/7 tahu tak ? mane2 pergi sama2 , cakap nonsense sama2 ,buat scene2 skinship terlampau bersama haha.. Sempat sambut 3 birthdays together sejak Asasi ni :') 

Then it ends.May fate brings all of us together again .And all of the teslians that i wish to meet again :') Alhamdulillah for the memories