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"Read,think,then only judge "

Friday, August 3, 2012



Dah masuk 3rd week of Ramadhan .Cepat betul masa berlalu.diam tak diam ,aku dah Week 8 dah dekat Uitm Shah Alam as a student of the Foundation in Tesl .So this study week is occupied by test.test.test and TEST ! The last test were Listening and Speaking as well as computer Literacy which took place today .Jumaat patutnya for class aku zero lecture classes.kalau ada yang replacement ke ape pun takat pukul 1230pm .Tapi hari ni ,pukul 830 am ada lecture class Computer Literacy (CL) ,LEPAS TU 1030 SMPAI 1230 ada Writing class  then test CL pukul 230 smpai 330 .then test  Listening and Speaking (LS) pukul 4pm smpai 6 .Before this, hari2 sebelumnya ,Reading,Writing and Grammar tests took place. So far ,aku no comment untuk Reading dengan CL test .Satu ,reading aku punya problem (mostly semua punye problem ) dekat last section which is the Discourse Markers/Linkers aka Penanda Wacana punya passage . Padahal aku yang pre teaching topik tu dalam kelas -,-" Then datang la CL ,yang tanya soalan pasal komputer,software,domain server pebende sume tu .Memang aku student Sains Komputer pon -,-"
Result should be out by next week .Okayy takuutt ..So gap pukul 1230 tadi smpai pukul 2 kami seclassmate duduk library kekununnye nak study .macam hapak .Inilah outcome "study kitorang"

 Hujung2 sekali Mira budak Alor Setaq.Loghat dia tak payah habaq kemain pekat.Then sangkut sorang budak BTHO.amek akaun time sekolah dulu,Madi
 The only Sabahan girl in da class ,Erica dengan budak bela lebah dan ada kebun buah *jelly ,Ani
 Asistant class rep Wardah dengan rAHMAH :)
 Maya's doppleganger Julia and annoying boy eber Syakirin *muke letihh brtul aku .haha
Ustaz coming thru .tengah pegang fon aku tu padahalnnye nak ngebandingkan dengan W8 dia yang kecik tapi super smooth -,-"

 The C;s are cool liddis
 Aku menang kot the beauty among the Beast.haha
 Night vision in a bright sunny day
guess who'smthe monster behind .Unknown .

So kesimpulannya,setelah hampir 2 bulan dekat sini ,I begin to really adore my class .We are da Group C . C should stands for Camwhorers since kitorang memang kaki camming .HAHA

Selamat berpuasa ! Cepatlaa ayah amek lepas Tarawih .nak balik . Oh yess and i will be going back the campus on Monday since its Nuzul Quran.Selangor cutiew leww

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